Pressure gauge – syphons

What is a pressure gauge syphon?

A pressure gauge syphon is a device used to protect pressure gauges against the effect of high-temperature environments as well as reducing the effect of pressure surges that could potentially damage the function of a pressure


How it works

Temperature protection

Due to the temperature difference between the process line and pressure gauge syphon, hot media, such as steam, is cooled rapidly causing condensation to form and collect within the syphon. This condensation acts as a buffer between
the hot media and pressure gauge, preventing the hot vapor coming into direct contact with the gauge.

High temperatures within a gauge has the potential to cause damage to the gauge or create inaccurate readings.


Pressure surge protection

When the syphon is first installed, it should be filled with a suitable material to separate the process line and the pressure gauge. This material will then act as a dampener in the event of a pressure surge by reducing pressure fluctuations
entering the gauge and improving the stability of the gauge reading.


Different types & application

Ring syphon – A ring syphon is normally used for vertical installations.

U Syphon – A ‘U’ Syphon is normally used for horizontal installations.

Brannan offer a range of syphons, including mild steel, brass & stainless steel, in a variety of connection sizes.

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